Welcome to the future of DeFi

3 min readDec 3, 2020

One day ago we introduced Kapex decentralised exchange, the new fairer way to trade.

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Today, we’re releasing the absolutely new way of decentralised finance! Kapex is the decentralised financial protocol packed with an astonishing access to innovative DeFi instruments and derivative assets enabling full market participation for potential superior returns.

Risk-free and quasi-risk-free assets which previously had a fairly high yield in the World are becoming less attractive. This is confirmed by a decrease in deposits’ interest rates; a reduction of profitability of fiat market as well as lower yields of investment insurance.

Maintaining this trend will lead to the probability that in 2020–2021 users unsatisfied with current returns, are expected to begin actively searching for alternative investment options.

Kapex is the decentralised financial protocol providing users access to innovative exotic instruments, derivative assets and DeFi assets. Enabling full market participation for potential superior returns. The main goal of the project is:

* To create market access to facilitate trades in new asset classes.

* To expand investment opportunities for market professionals and individuals, and gap-fill market deficit.

* To provide a long-term ability to generate cash flow.

* To create opportunities for further development of the protocol.

* To re-invest in strengthening positions in various functional areas (including expanding the list of trading assets).

Category-smashing speed, mind-bending Slippage reducing system

The Kapex company has existed for 4 years. We entered the ICO with the revolutionary idea of ​​a decentralized exchange in 2018. We never managed to raise the required amount of funds for several reasons:
1. The cryptocurrency market was simply not ready for innovation after a colossal drop in interest in ICOs.
2. Decentralized exchanges and finance were completely incomprehensible at the time.
After the disastrous ICO, we did not abandon our development and continued to move towards decentralization. What we have been able to achieve over the past 2 years?
What has been developed by our team will completely revolutionize your understanding of decentralized finance and high-risk assets.

Today we want to present you with a complete protocol that includes:

Lending Pool & Lending Pool Configurator — is building a lending aggregator that strives to attain the highest yield for supported coins at all times. We support several lending protocols like AAVE and Compound.

Price Oracle — is predicting an asset price by evaluating various factors like its supply, demand, mass media, Legislative changes, Total Addressable Market (TAM), Percentage of token market penetration, Turnover rate, Number of coins in circulation and more other factors.

Equalizer — is an internal sub protocol based on unique machine learning & AI that balances prices after each trade to help users cut impermanent loss and reduce Slippage factors.

Governance Token — we belive in decentralization. Our ecosystem is ready to be picked by the community and fully customizable through the governance voting system. KPX token represents a user’s lending position or the share of deposited amount to Total Liquidity of that asset.

Subscribe to our Telegram and check our website to learn more about Kapex:

Telegram: https://t.me/kapexio

Website: https://kapex.io

